[DeNA formula] Article mass production SEO method [I will explain in 5 steps]

DeNA seo

The Welq case is new to my memory, but there is a new move. Dena seo

DeNA seems to have begun to consider a path to a resurgence in the digital media arena. Today, DeNA announced that it has signed a basic agreement with Shogakukan to consider the digital media business.DeNA signs basic agreement with Shogakukan for business creation

It seems that recruitment of media writers jointly run by DeNA and Shogakukan has begun.

Site: Renewal of Venus Tap, a media for women
Reward: 2000 yen per article is assumed.
Work location: Building owned by Shogakukan (Jinbocho)
MERY, which had changed its shape and was resurrected, and DeNA, who has no remorse

DeNA know-how is alive and well. I would also like to pay attention to the trends of
Venustap .

DeNA is booming the SEO market like this, but this time I will explain the DeNA-style SEO method.

 Article reliability

I had the opportunity to hear from an internal writer, but after hearing about it, I found out how to do it, so I will summarize it.

I’m sorry if I made a mistake.
But I think it will be helpful.

[DeNA formula] Article mass production SEO method [I will explain in 5 steps]

  • STEP1. Goal setting (Affi of job change site, etc.)
  • STEP2. Keyword map creation (search volume 100 or more and 1,000 or less)
  • STEP3. Preparation of article creation manual (inserting keywords in titles and headlines)
  • STEP4. Editor setting (article check, affiliate link insertion)
  • STEP5. Article upload (about 300 yen / article if outsourced)

This is the basic flow.
It was a problem with Welq, but there should be many places where other media are doing it. It’s also a method that is recognized to some extent in the SEO industry.

STEP1. Goal setting (Affi of job change site, etc.)

I don’t know where to go without a goal.
Let’s start by organizing the conversion leads.

In the case of Welq, I got the impression that there were many job change affiliations. It’s already a story, but the famous ones are as follows.

It seems that this will convert … w
By the way, the unit price of job change affiliation (self-analysis) is high, so even a free diagnosis may exceed 2,000 yen .

STEP2. Keyword map creation (search volume 100 or more and 1,000 or less)

Use the keyword planner to identify keywords. For example, [Job hunting] if you are aiming for a system keyword, it is as follows. The reason why the search volume is set to 100 to 1,000 or less is that with such a volume, one-shot articles can be ranked high.

dena seo

 Brand keywords ignore search volume and aim

Brand keywords are brand names and place names. For example, [Nike] Toka, [Harajuku]such as.

For restaurant media [Region name] ✕ [Restaurant], [Region name] ✕ [Cafe]etc. In this area, the competition rate is low, so it seems that there are many media that are aggressively attacking. By the way, the more you put together, the higher you will be (probably).

* Strictly speaking, [Harajuku] may not be called a brand keyword, but here it is easier to understand if you think of it as a brand keyword, so it is written as such.

STEP3. Preparation of article creation manual (inserting keywords in titles and headlines)

From here is the work of the writer.
Now that the keywords have been sorted out, I will write articles for each keyword.

The basic rule settings are as follows

  • Title can be up to 32 characters
  • Put a keyword in front of the title
  • Make the title feel the benefits of reading the article
  • More than 2,000 characters
  • Put keywords in the H2 headline as much as possible
  • Cover suggestion words as much as possible (* Note)
  • Put an image under the heading

Maybe this will go up, but there is a bit of risk. Google made a Fred update in March 2017, but there are a lot of sites that went down there.

I’m using a different method, and for more information, see How to write an article that gets the top search in SEO [Article design to writing] .

* Note: Suggested words are cross-keywords . Men, shorts, waxes, bobs, etc. in the image. You can understand the problems of hairstyles during job hunting lol.

dena seo

STEP4. Editor setting (article check, affiliate link insertion)

This is the work of the editor.
The main tasks are:

  • Keyword check
  • Affiliate (CV) maintenance

As you can see from Welq and other sites, SEO doesn’t require clean text.
The following three points are important.

  • Whether the keyword is included
  • Is there an answer to your readers’ needs?
  • Is the information comprehensive?

Search users aren’t asking for novel-like text. All you are looking for is an answer.

STEP5. Article upload (about 300 yen / article if outsourced)

It is unnecessary because I had a system built with DeNA, but if you use WordPress, it is faster to outsource.

You may ask the writer to upload it, but if you ask the writer to insert an image, the writing speed will decrease. In that case, it is faster to separate the tasks.

  • Article writing: Set up a writer
  • Article check: Set up an editor
  • Article upload: Set up an article uploader

It’s a McDonald’s method \ (^ o ^) /
This method can be mass-produced efficiently.

✓ Aside: The number of WordPress article upload jobs is increasing As you
can see from Lancers, the number of WordPress article upload jobs is increasing recently. Perhaps the number of media mass-produced by the DeNA method has increased.

Summary: DeNA-style article mass production SEO method, do you try?

dena seo
Welq was beaten because he used this technique in a medical ward. But I think it’s okay in other fields.

SEO is basically a battle for camp, so if you’re doing job hunting media, for example, it’s a game of what percentage you can get with keywords related to job hunting. I think it is the right tactic to mass-produce articles to win this game.

If you don’t like this, it’s okay if you don’t use Google, but in the end everyone uses Google. NAVER Summary It’s like DeNA, but I think there are many smart people these days.


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