Reasons why “SEO measures fail” when requesting work from SEO Consulting

seo consulting

I talk about SEO consulting as my main business.
The reason why “SEO measures fail” when you ask an SEO consultant for work.

Are you scrambling to increase your website traffic and visibility on search engine results? Perhaps you should consider hiring, or outsourcing to, an organic SEO consultant.

In a highly competitive world, SEO is no longer an option but a vital component of any marketing strategy.

To grow your flow of stable organic traffic, you need to climb up the search engine rankings.

Sure, PPC can help, as well, but only as long as your campaigns last. However, by investing in organic search engine optimization, you’ll experience long-term results that will have a significant impact on your bottom line.

That being said, SEO is an on-going effort that not every business owner or marketer is willing to do. Considering that, it doesn’t hurt to get organic SEO services from a reliable agency or a freelancer.

To that end, I’ve compiled a list of the top 9 professionals to hire in 2021. Learn what makes each an awesome organic SEO consultant, backed by experience and case studies.

SEO is not magic

access analysis and keyword ranking

It was 15 years ago that articles would be published if keywords were entered.
It is an era in which it is profitable to be listed if you get the first place with such keywords. SEO is not that easy.


GameWith was listed as a result of making a lot of money by monopolizing the top ranks with game-related keywords.

What does SEO consulting do? Work content story

seo consulting
Basically, the following 3 points.

  • 1. 1. Building a foundation
  • 2. Show direction
  • 3. Analysis & improvement

1. 1. Infrastructure construction: Creating a site with SEO internal measures

If you don’t have a foundation, even if you do your best in SEO, the effect will be halved. First, let’s build a site with internal measures.

Even if you outsource the construction of the site, you can build it in about 250,000. If you don’t understand programming, it’s faster to outsource.



2. Show direction: Keyword selection

Even if you say “I’ll do my best with SEO”, it’s a mullige if there is no way.
For example, running that doesn’t have a goal. At first, I have physical strength, but I run out of stamina on the way and it’s The END.

3. 3. Analysis & improvement: Access analysis & keyword ranking measurement

It’s good to just update the site, but it doesn’t make sense if the numbers don’t increase.
By measuring access analysis and keyword ranking, you can judge whether your current behavior is linked to numbers.

Access analysis and keyword ranking measurement may be the most difficult part for Web beginners. It’s also the main job of an SEO consulting company.

 No consulting required if 1-3 can be done

If you can do 1-3, you don’t need a consultant.
If you can’t or don’t have enough time, maybe you can hire a consultant.

2017 SEO is Content is King

seo consulting
It’s sad, but it’s basically determined by your writing skills.
If you can write a well-read article but make a mistake in the site design, it is easy to improve.
For example, there are no keywords in the title, the site is heavy, it is difficult to read, and there is no smartphone support.

Common misconception: You can’t SEO without content

Although the value is low objectively and the amount of information is thin, it is impossible to raise the ranking.
Even if it is raised, the user will leave. If there are many withdrawals, the ranking will also drop.

If there is content, the ranking goes up

seo consulting
This site got [Web]the 1st place in. As you can see from the article, I’m seriously writing lol.

seo consulting
In addition, various keywords have also been ranked high. If you write well on a site with internal measures, access will continue to grow.

The most important point to grow your business smoothly with SEO

access analysis and keyword ranking

Number of actions x number of trials and errors

This is the conclusion.
Not limited to SEO, but …

Number of actions: Number of articles when replaced with SEO

It is impossible to write 10 articles and succeed in 10 articles.
Even Ichiro has a batting average of 30%, so it is natural for ordinary people to have a batting average of 20% or less.

In the first place, if the output is too small, it is impossible to increase the number.
Let’s get motivated to read even with the multi-power of Horiemon.

Number of trials and errors: Writing ability when replaced with SEO

You need to repeat looking at the numbers, looking at the reader’s reaction, and studying.

It was pretty painful …
However, writing skills are also useful when writing press releases and making PowerPoint materials. So, there is no loss after learning!

I’m not very confident in my writing skills, but I’m learning while studying every day.

Best SEO Consultants to Hire in 2021

What Does an SEO Consultant Do?

Before diving into the specifics, let’s get one thing clear – today, “organic SEO” can, more or less, be used interchangeably with just SEO. In simple words, this refers to all of the strategies involved in growing organic (or unpaid) website traffic, which is the primary focus of all modern SEO best-practices.

Considering that, an “organic SEO consultant” is someone who helps create and execute SEO strategies focused on acquiring traffic through organic search rankings.

To be more specific, an average consultant’s typical responsibilities include:

  • Performing Audits – one of the primary responsibilities of an organic SEO consultant is to perform a technical audit to look for issues on a client’s website, which could interfere with the user experience and affect search rankings. Depending on the project, they may also perform content audits to discover opportunities for creating new assets and updating old ones.
  • Fixing Technical Issues – after conducting an in-depth audit, the consultant will then fix all of the technical issues on the website.
  • Performing Keyword Research – another primary responsibility of an organic SEO consultant is to look for relevant keywords/search queries with great ranking potential. By understanding the search intent of your target audience, the consultant may also oversee the content creation process for those keywords.
  • Building Backlinks – SEO consultants discover and capitalize on opportunities to acquire links from other websites (also known as link building).

On top of all of the above, an organic SEO consultant will oversee the execution of your SEO campaign. Depending on the client, they may also coordinate with an in-house marketing team and provide suggestions.

The Benefits of Hiring an Organic SEO Consultant

Now that you know exactly what an organic SEO consultant does, let’s take a look at some strong benefits of hiring one to look after your projects:

  • You’ll gain an experienced profile who will help you employ modern (white hat) SEO tactics. With consistent efforts, they will increase your chances of ranking on top of Google search engine results pages (SERPs) for various keywords.
  • By ranking on top of the SERPs, you can experience substantial traffic growth, attract potential customers, and establish authority/become the go-to source in your industry.
  • Last, but not least, it will take so much load off your shoulders. With an SEO expert, you won’t have to worry about a major component of your digital marketing strategy.

In short, investing in a decent organic SEO /consultant can contribute to the very growth of your business.

9 Best SEO Consultants to Hire

As I mentioned before, search engine optimization is a long-term effort. It could take months (or even a year) before you start noticing results.

The wait is necessary, but also a risk. How can you be sure that the person you’ve hired will actually follow through?

Ultimately, you need to be extra careful when selecting a profile to fill this crucial role.

That being said, here are 9 organic SEO consultants that you’ll be glad to have on your marketing team:

1. Josh Fechter

I’m an experienced growth marketer & SEO consultant with over 10 years of experience who has helped scale several technology companies through content, SEO, and product strategies.

Over the years, I’ve helped major tech companies significantly increase their visibility, boost organic search traffic, and acquire new leads.

Here are a few case studies on some of the projects that I’ve worked on: is a weed delivery technology company. It’s the Uber Eats of the weed delivery space. I embarked upon as an early-stage technology startup looking to scale fast. I spent a considerable amount of time studying this new market and competitors to inform our growth strategy.

I focused on ranking content across cities for their highest converting keywords. I did this by creating optimized content and acquiring backlinks. I also worked to double rank them for their keywords on 3rd party sites.


Lumen5 is a video creation platform that helps marketers create professional video assets in just a few simple steps. I helped build over 300 backlinks, web develop their blog, craft 30 blog posts, and create 27 landing pages – all of which resulted in a substantial rise in monthly organic visitors.


Squibler is a SaaS company that I built from scratch. It’s an intuitive platform that helps writers (especially those who write books, novels, and scripts) improve their storytelling.

You can hire me here

2. Omid Ghiam

Next up on the list is Omid Ghiam. He’s a talented organic SEO consultant and content professional who has proven his prowess through successful growth marketing strategies.

Omid is currently working as a content and growth marketer at and oversees its affiliate program and blog (that receives thousands of visitors each day).

Previously, he worked with InvolveSoft and helped grow their visibility.

He’s also the founder of Marketer Milk – a complete source of guidance, insider-secrets, and tips for marketing consultants.

All in all, if you want massive growth through a strategy focused on developing high-quality content, Omid is your go-to profile.

3. Mani Karthik

If you’re looking for an all-rounder with a creative mindset and expertise in technical SEO, Mani is your guy.

During his relatively young, yet absolutely glorious career as a digital marketer, Mani has helped many companies scale their online presence. In 2014, he helped formed Risemetric – a full- IT and digital marketing that has helped many major players skyrocket their valuations.

Later, he took over from Suumit Shah. Rankz is a content marketing and SEO agency that offers software distribution and rank tracking tools.

With his technical background and knack for creativity, it’s safe to say that Mani is a pro.

4. Hailey Friedman

The next organic SEO consultant is Hailey Friedman – an experienced growth strategist with all-around expertise in digital marketing.

She is the co-founder of Growth Marketing Pro – a leading source for content on eCommerce marketing, growth hacking, SEO, and more. She’s also the head of marketing at Improvado – a marketing analytics software.

Furthermore, Hailey has developed Growthbar, an integrated SEO tool that helps marketers reveal in-depth insights and conduct keyword research. Previously, she worked as a product marketing manager at RealtyShares.

Considering her illustrious achievements, you can count on Hailey to scale your business through her experience in SEO.

5. Albert Ai

Albert Ai has years of experience in search engine optimization. With roots in research and data, he was able to quickly build a career in search engine optimization.

Currently, Albert is an SEO consultant at Reedsy – a website that experienced 85X growth in organic search traffic thanks to his strategy.

He’s was also the SEO team lead at Nova Credit, a cross-border bureau that helps immigrants in the US build and/or transfer their credit score.

All in all, Albert will help scale your business and boost your organic traffic using his years of experience.

6. Suumit Shah

The next SEO consultant on the list is Suumit Shah. He’s the perfect combination of a creative mind with technical SEO expertise.

During the early days of his career, he worked with many SaaS companies to scale their digital marketing presence.

Later, he founded Risemetric, a successful SEO agency that has been operating for more than four years now. In the past year alone, Risemetric has been able to help eight companies to achieve 7 figure valuation.

After experiencing some of the pains involved in link building, he founded with Mani Karthik (listed above). The SEO company has been growing incredibly fast and helping many businesses to scale their content marketing and SEO operations.

As one of the leading SEO experts, Summit’s background and skillset can be a game-changer for your business.

7. Faith Storey

Faith Storey is a skillful marketing professional with SEO expertise.

She’s been responsible for growth at different organizations, including a company named SaaStr, the largest community for SaaS companies.

Partnering with SaaS startups, Faith has achieved notable results. She recently got 1346% ROAS for a SaaStr ad campaign and increased their email list growth by 150%.

As a Growth Marketing Manager at Casetext, she is currently in charge of user acquisition. Within two months in this position, she increased Casetext conversion rate to trial by 205% and conversion to subscribe by 118%.

There is no doubt that Faith is one of the best marketing consultants you can hire to grow your software .

8. Jonathan Pogat

The next SEO expert on the list is Jonathan Pogat. He has more than 10 years of executive experience devising marketing strategies for high-performing companies.

Jonathan was the VP of Marketing at Drips, a SaaS company that focuses on increasing lead conversion through conversational marketing with the use of AI-powered text.

As a VP of Marketing, he has a broad understanding not only of SEO strategies but also of every other area of marketing, including social media marketing and mobile marketing.

In fact, he spent three years as the VP of Mobile Marketing in the Mobile Direct Division of Dunn Data.

Also, he worked as the Senior Director of Marketing at Fathom, a digital marketing agency.

The sequence of impressive results he has been obtaining in his careers makes him an excellent person to trust in SEO services.

9. Nick Jordan

I will complete this list with Nick Jordan, an SEO consultant with big wins on his background.

He is currently the Executive Director at Content Distribution, an organization that helps companies build massive online audiences through content creation and distribution. In this role, he saw more than 60K keywords ranking on search engines’ first page.

When asked about Nick, one of his clients — marketing strategist at Tupelo Media — said that he is “a no-nonsense, straight-forward, goal-oriented professional who gets right to work producing results. He was well into the execution of our projects in less time than it takes most consultants to finish signing the contract.”

Previously, he was the Director of Marketing at LogicInBound, where he grew organic search traffic from 445 visitors per month to more than 100K visitors per month.

Just like he has done for many other organizations, he can equip your audience with relevant information, engaging visuals and easy-to-navigate web pages.

Is Hiring an Organic SEO Consultant Worth it?

As implied above, it doesn’t matter if you’re a small business or a large enterprise – if you want to experience stable traffic growth, you need to invest in organic search engine optimization.

Feel free to get in touch with any of the professionals discussed above. Keep in mind that they all have their specialties, so it’s better to discuss your exact project requirements to receive the best consultation.

As an ending note, always remember that SEO is a marathon – not a sprint. A little patience can go a long way in ensuring long-term business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where do I find a top SEO consultant for my project?

Right here on, you can hire me as a top SEO consultant. Or you can search for others on the following sites:

  • Freelancer
  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • People Per Hour

Check out the post above for the full list of hiring sites.

How do I hire an SEO consultant in 2021?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to hiring SEO consultants in 2021:

  1. Know the complete details and requirements of the job, including the requisite skills, total job timeline, and potential for future developments.
  2. Look for core skills such as high-level knowledge of SEO, user intent, brand strategy, etc.
  3. Consult me or use one of the other hiring sites to hire high-level SEO professionals.
  4. Discuss the project details with the shortlisted candidate(s).

If the candidate shows a complete understanding of your long and short-term project goals, they’re ideal for the job.

How much would it cost to hire an SEO consultant?

On average, a search engine optimization consultant could charge anywhere from $80-150 or higher, per hour. However, the overall cost depends on factors such as the size, scope, and overall project timeline.

What skills should I look for in an SEO consultant before hiring?

Any SEO consultant you hire should have the following skills, at minimum:

  • Expertise in and experience with several core digital strategy competencies such as on-page & off-page SEO, keyword research, website analysis, and more.
  • Experience in UX-based optimization, keyword analysis, etc.
  • High-level awareness of new digital marketing industry trends and tools.

Additionally, the candidate should be willing to understand the project just as deeply as the client. This will help them create exactly what the client demands.

Where can I hire an SEO consultant in 2021?

You can hire the best SEO consultant for your projects right here or any of the other sites mentioned in the full list above.

Where do I find an SEO consultant if I live outside of the US?

Right here on If you’re looking for other consultants and marketing experts from around the world, you can find them on sites such as Upwork and People Per Hour.

If you want to accelerate your business, there is also SEO consulting

best seo consultant
Finally, consider the case with and without consulting.

 Without consulting

Number of actions x Number of trials and errors
10 x 10 = 100

 With consultation

Number of actions x Number of trials and errors x Efficiency
10 x 10 x 1.5 = 150

With this kind of feeling, it is an image that leads to efficiency improvement.
If you want to accelerate your business, why not have a consultant?

I am also an individual SEO consultant, and if you are interested, please see the details below.

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