Kraken V2 Android Banking RAT

    Kraken V2 Android Banking RAT The description is not complete as the bot was finished by itself Send SMS – send SMS with the specified text to the number specified in the command; Start USSD – execute a USSD request; Start Application – launch the application specified in the command; Replace URL Admin Panel /…

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    andeoid hacking tools

      Arpspoof Android Hacking Tool Free Download

      Arpspoof is a tool for network auditing originally written by Dug Song as a part of his dsniff package. This app redirects traffic on the local network by forging ARP replies and sending them to either a specific target or all the hosts on the local network paths. || android  hacking tools Arpspoof APK’s Permissiom From APK File:   Allows applications to…

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      Venom Rat Cracked

        Venom Rat Cracked Free Download

        Venom Rat Cracked It is the latest and advanced RAT  ( Remote Administration Tool ) of 2020 For Windows. It can use to remotely manage and monitor your remote devices with fast speed. .   Use this RAT ( Remote Administration Tool ) only for educational purposes only. It is best rat software 2020. About…

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          H-Worm Plus Free Download

          H-Worm Plus Free Download || H-Worm is a VBS (Visual Basic Script) based RAT which we believe is derived off the njRAT source code. H-Worm provides cyber-criminals similar controls to njRAT. It also uses dynamic DNS for its C&C servers but unlike njRAT it uses POST requests and the HTTP User-Agent field to exfiltrate sensitive information from the…

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          H-Worm Version Free Download

            H-Worm Lite Version Free Download

            H-Worm Lite Version Free Download || H-Worm is a VBS (Visual Basic Script) based RAT which we believe is derived off the njRAT source code. H-Worm provides cyber-criminals similar controls to njRAT. It also uses dynamic DNS for its C&C servers but unlike njRAT it uses POST requests and the HTTP User-Agent field to exfiltrate sensitive information from…

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            Ghost Eye Worm Download

              Ghost Eye Worm Download

              Ghost Eye Worm Download Encryption key icon changer   melt file   disable cmd disable run   disable hide folder option   disable right click option   hide file   disable taskmgr   disable regedit   kill nod32,taskmgr   antis : sandboxie/kis/mbam   lan spread   p2p spread   startup in diffirent directorys inject net…

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              Spyeye botnet free download

                Spyeye botnet free download

                Spyeye botnet free download || SpyEye  botnet version 1.3.48 is private and more updated, this version will work and inject Firefox 13 (latest) and Internet Explorer 9 (Latest) Need get full installation and your binary for spreding, you also have discounts on new injects and one free re installation Once victim is infected, bot will…

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                Neutrino Free Download

                  Neutrino Botnet Free Download

                  Neutrino bot Neutrino Free Download || The botnet binary we analyzed is written in Visual C++ and uses no packer or obfuscation techniques. The binary immediately calls a function that will check if the binary is being debugged or run under any virtual machine. If the malware finds any of these, it terminates. Here are…

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                  Diamondfox free Download

                    Diamondfox free download

                    Diamondfox free download || Diamond Fox is a HTTP Plugin-Based botnet made for stability and functionality, for establish a stable connection with a considerable amount of bots and will be under constant development. This botnet doesn’t have any function because its based in plugins, that means a stable connection and alot of future functions. This…

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                    beta bot botnet

                      Betabot botnet free Download

                      Form Grabber When specified sites are detected,  Betabot  will pull any relevant forms as they are sent, and export details to the main panel. In order for the Form Grabber to work, you must specify filters on the panel. When creating filters, the use of wildcards (*) are supported. FireFox (Normal and SSL) Internet Explorer…

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                      athena botnet

                        Athena Botnet Free Download

                        One of the most prevalent forms of waste and fraud in today’s digital advertising ecosystem is botnets. A Athena botnet is a network of computers infected with malware and controlled without the user being aware, typically for nefarious activities including various forms of digital advertising fraud. To share some additional information with you about how…

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                        oZone RAT Complete Setup free download

                          oZone RAT Complete Setup Free Download

                          The Remote Administration Tool (RAT) is long. They allow users and administrators to be able to take full control of their system without the need to be physically in front of a device. In this era of global operations, this is a big deal. In countries ranging from troubleshooting machines to observation of in-room staff,…

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