Super Stealthy Backdoor Spreads To Hit Hundreds Of Thousands Of Web Users

Super Stealthy Backdoor Spreads To Hit Hundreds Of Thousands Of Web Users

Backdoor Spreads To Hit Hundreds Of Thousands Of Web Users || One of the most sophisticated web server backdoors ever seen has spread fast and is now sitting on hundreds of webservers running some of the most popular websites in the world, researchers have warned. One expert told TechWeekEurope the Cdorked backdoor, brought to light in April, is almost…

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8 Things That Anonymous, The Hacker 'Terrorist' Group, Has Done For Good

8 Things That Anonymous, The Hacker ‘Terrorist’ Group, Has Done For Good

It’s easy to think of the hacking group  Anonymous  as a group of punk troublemakers, raising hell online. Some have even debated  whether their extra-legal protests should be labeled terrorist acts . But that would overlook some of the genuinely good deeds the group – whose members identify themselves with the  Vendetta mask  – has done. Whether it’s retaliating against kiddie…

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Dialing Back Business Email Compromise

Dialing Back Business Email Compromise

Sophisticated cybercriminals continue to steal large sums of money from organizations of all sizes using business email compromise (BEC) schemes. Once the fraudulent payments are approved and transferred to the criminal’s accounts, they are very difficult to recover—and the targeted organization is liable for the resulting losses. Therefore, it’s vital to create a robust callback…

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Red Team VS Blue Team cyber security

Red Team VS Blue Team cyber security | What’s The Difference?

The red and blue team security are much more than just Halo references and troop techniques. In fact, these teams play a vital role in defending against advanced cyber attacks that threaten business communications, sensitive customer data or trade secrets. Red teams are aggressive security professionals who specialize in attacking systems and breaching defenses. Blue…

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