Amap ( Application Mapping Tool Scanning )

Amap ( Application Mapping ) is designed to correlate applications that reside on a host to a specific port or port. Amap connects it to the port (s) and sends packets that will automatically respond in response. These packets typically involve a standard attempt by an application to perform a handshake between both hosts. Many network daemons respond only when a connection is attempted using an appropriate handshake (ie SSL). Amap ( Application Mapping ) then prints this response on its built-in library and screen.

Available from here


amap v5.3 (c) 2005 by van Hauser <>

Syntax: amap [-A|-B|-P|-W] [-1buSRHUdqv] [[-m] -o <file>] [-D <file>]

[-t/-T sec] [-c cons] [-C retries] [-p proto] [-i <file>]

[target port [port] …]


      -A Map applications: send triggers, analyse responses (default)

    -B Just grab banners, do not send triggers

    -P No banner or application stuff – be a port scanner

    -W Web Update – online update the application fingerprint database!


      -1 Only send triggers to a port until 1st identification. Speeeeed!

    -6 Use IPv6 instead of IPv4

    -b Print ascii banner of responses

    -i FILE Nmap machine readable outputfile to read ports from

    -u Ports specified on commandline are UDP (default is TCP)

    -R / -S Do NOT identify RPC / SSL services

    -H Do NOT send application triggers marked as potentially harmful

    -U Do NOT dump unrecognised responses (better for scripting)

    -d Dump all responses

    -v Verbose mode, use twice+ for debug (not recommended 🙂

    -q Doesn’t report closed ports, do not print them as unidentified

    -o FILE [-m] Write output to file FILE,

             -m creates machine readable output

    -c CONS Amount of parallel connections default 32, max 256)

    -C RETRIES Number of reconnects on connect timeouts default 3)

    -T SEC Connect timeout in seconds (default 5)

    -t SEC Response wait timeout in seconds (default 5)

    -p PROTO Only send triggers for this protocol (e.g. ftp)

TARGET PORT The target address and port(s) to scan (additional to -i) amap is a tool to identify application protocols on target ports.

Usage hint: Options “-bqv” are recommended, add “-1” for fast/rush checks.


penetration testing

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